Repellency of zerumbone identified in cyperus rotundus. Hayek cyperaceae, known as nagarmotha, saad kufi and nut grass, is considered as one of the worlds worst weeds. Rumput teki memiliki kandungan saponin, flavonoid, terpenoid, dan minyak atsiri suherman, 1995, rumput teki. The names nut grass and nut sedge shared with the related species cyperus esculentus are derived from its tubers, that somewhat resemble nuts, although botanically they have nothing to do with nuts. Pdf ayurveda, the science of life, deals with the holistic view of healthy living. Cyperus rotundus is a plant of the gramineae family, consisting of stems that are tuberous at the base, rising singly from a creeping, underground rootstock, about 10 to 25 cm tall. Phytopharmacotherapeutics of cyperus rotundus linn. Tubers offer a mechanism for asexual reproduction, and they are the major dispersal unit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa senyawa bioaktif yang ditemukan di cyperus rotundus memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan kolesterol. Fp20, fp40, fp60, dan fp80 terhadap kultur sel hela.
Kita juga harus tidak lupa bahwa dua dunia terburuk gulma itu, cyperus rotundus dan c. Management of cyperus in smallholder farming systems on vertisols and vertic clay soils. Dari kesemua kandungan tersebut memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh. Menambah bukti ilmiah tentang manfaat tanaman obat tradisional khususnya. The tubers of cyperus rotundus were ground to coarse powder separately and stored at room temperature. Bagaimanakah cara mengolah rumput teki nama latin cyperus rotundus. Pdf p aligncenter abstract rumput teki cyperus rotundus l. Manfaat rumput teki bagi kesehatan tubuh dan efek samping. Cyperus esculentus yellow nutsedge is one of the worlds worst weeds as it can cause great damage to crops and crop production.
Manfaat rumput teki bagi kesehatan adalah dapat mengobati. Cyperus rotundus nut grass in english is a perennial erect sedge plant and is distributed in over 90 countries of the world, where it has been mostly classified as a highly invasive weed. Analgesic and antiinflammatory activity of the extracts. Rumput teki cyperus rotundus termasuk suku cyperaceae tekitekian. Effect of cyperus rotundus on cytokine gene expression in. Hema n 1, r avadhani 2, b ravishankar 3, anupama n 4 1department of anatomy, yenepoya medical college, yenepoya university, india 2department of anatomy, yenepoya medical college, yenepoya university, india.
The national vegetation survey nvs databank is a physical archive and electronic databank containing records of over 94,000 vegetation survey plots including data from over 19,000 permanent plots. Yang termasuk dalam golongan ini contohnya cynodon dactylon, sorgum helepense, agropyron repens, circium vulgare. A comparative study of the chemical composition of. Cyperaceae is a medicinal herb traditionally used to treat various clinical conditions at home such as diarrhea, diabetes, pyresis, inflammation, malaria, and stomach and bowel disorders. Purple nutsedge appears grass like, but its stems are triangular in crosssection. Rhizomes provide the major means by which the plants may colonize an area. Salah satu kandungan umbi rumput teki adalah flavonoid robbinson, 1995. Many previous studies showed cyperus rotundus contained flavonoids, tannins, glycosides. Cyperus rotundus as medicinal plant which has a potential source of bioactive molecules to treat inflammatory diseases. Biology and management of yellow cyperus escuelentus. Cyperus rotundus linn sebagai obat antara lain adalah. Cyperus rotundus new zealand plant conservation network. Flavonoid adalah salah satu jenis senyawa yang bersifat racunalelopati.
Kandungan pada ekstrak suket teki dapat bertindak secara efektif menurunkan kadar kolesterol tinggi. Pengaruh ekstrak umbi rumput teki cyperus rotundus. No side effect has been reported with 8 g single dose. It is found near to river side especially damp condition. Allelopathy of extracts of cyperus rotundus and oxalis. The rhizomes of cyperus rotundus which are used as. Rumput teki banyak tumbuh di tempat terbuka atau tidak.
Mustak is important ayurvedic medicinal herbs with excellent properties for gynaecology, digestion etc. The compounds 1,8cineole and zerumbone zer from the cyperus rotundus rhizome along with another 11 previously identified rhizome essential. Ekstrak rimpang temulawak curcuma xanthorriza roxb. Klasifikasi dan ciri ciri morfologi rumput teki materi. Management of cyperus in smallholder farming systems on. A comparative analysis of antioxidant potentials of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of cyperus rotundus l.
Pada lahan irigasi, membajak menyebar umbi mereka dan subang sedemikian rupa sehingga tanaman tanaman ini benarbenar tercekik, yang memerlukan penggunaan herbisida untuk memberantas gulma ini. Di perdagangan dikenal dengan nama cyperol oil atau oil of cyperiol atau. Bagian selanjutnya yang dapat digunakan yaitu akar rumput teki cyperus rotundus yang mengandung alkaloid, glikosidajantung, flavonoid dan minyak terbang minyak menguap 0,3 1 % yang isinya bervariasi cyperol, cyperene i dan ii, alfa cyperone, cyperotundone, dan cyperolone, patcholulenone sineol, pinen, rotunal. Umumnya rumput teki tumbuh liar di afrika selatan, korea, cina, jepang, taiwan, malaysia, indonesia, dan kawasan asia tenggara. Manfaat rumput teki cyperus rotundus untuk kesehatan. Nutsedge and kyllinga species university of tennessee.
Introduction cyperus rotundus linn, sedge of the family cyperaceae and order cyperales, is widely distributed in the mediterranean basin areas uddin et al. Laboratorium kesehatan surabaya meliputi kandungan. In the western hemisphere, it grows from southern canada to northern argentina. No adverse reaction was observed in any subject participant to our study. Determination of ferulic acid content in cyperus rotundus. Hyperspectral classification of cyperus esculentus clones.
Some health conditions may make you more susceptible to the sideeffects of the drug. Cyperus rotundus purple nutsedge is a smooth, erect and perennial weed with an extensive subterranean tuber system hauser 1962, in quayyum et al. Currently, it is one of the most widespread, problematic, and economically damaging agronomic weeds, growing wildly in various tropical. Penetration test of gel ethanol extract of cyperus. Berikut merupakan gambar dari tumbuhan cyperus rotundus l. Baring this in mind the present paper reports the results of. In recent years it has become a greater problem due to several factors. It is a serious pest in most crops in the warm regions 29. The tuber of cyperus rotundus are used to tradisional medicine. The reported constituents of the essential oil of c. Before using cyperus rotundus, inform your doctor about your current list of medications, over the counter products e.
Sumber informasi yang berasal atau dikutip dari karya yang diterbitkan maupun tidak diterbitkan dari penulis lain telah disebutkan. Dried tuberous roots of cyperus rotundus known as nutgrass is a source of aromatics used in perfumes and scents. Leaves are linear, broadly grooved on the upper surface, and dark green in color. Different species in general, two types of cyperus are discussed here, which are known as purple nutsedge figure 1 and yellow. Cyperus rotundus, rhizomes, essential oil analysis, antimicrobial activity introduction cyperus rotundus l. Dengan mengambil manfaat rumput teki, bisa mengurangi kadar ldl kolesterol jahat dan tingkat trigliserida. Selain itu, rumput ini dikenal pula dengan nut grass, java grass dan red nut sedge.
Cyperus rotundus merupakan bahasa yunani yakni kyperos dan rotundus dari bahasa latin yang artinya putaran. Klasifikasi tanaman rumput teki rumput teki tumbuh di dataran rendah dengan ketinggian m di atas permukaan laut. Cyperus rotundus l traditional uses, phytochemistry, and. Cyperus rotundus introduction family cyperaceae to which belong cyperus rotundus is one of the largest and widely distributed families of the monocots represented throughout the world by about 4000 species santapau and henry, 1973.
Yellow nutsedge cyperus esculentus, purple nutsedge cyperus rotundus, green kyllinga kyllinga. A comparative analysis of antioxidant potentials of. Tanaman yang memiliki khasiat sebagai obat adalah umbi rumput teki. Rumput teki adalah rumput liar yang tumbuh di tempat terbuka, sering dianggap sebagai gulma tanaman yang keberadaannya tidak dikehendaki dan merugikan, dan sering tumbuh di pinggir jalan, tegalan, lapangan rumput atau lahan pertanian. Contoh gulma tahunan populair yang perkembangbiakan utamanya dengan rhizoma adalah alangalang imperata. It is found worldwide in all environmental condition. Teki ladang atau cyperus rotundus adalah gulma pertanian yang biasa dijumpai di lahan terbuka. Teki cyperus rotundus l merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang masih digunakan. Chemical composition and antioxidant potential of polyphenol compounds of cyperus rotundus l.
Skripsi ini disusun sebagai salah satu syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar sarjana di fakultas perikanan dan ilmu kelautan, institut pertanian bogor. An overview n singh1, b r pandey1, p verma1, m bhalla1 and m gilca2 1international institute of herbal medicine iihm, gomtinagar, lucknow226 010, uttar pradesh, india. Efektivitas ekstrak kasar umbi teki cyperus rotundus sebagai bahan anestesi ikan mas cyprinus carpio dengan baik. Nagalakshmi1 department of pharmacy, school of engineering and technology, bharathidasan university, tiruchirappalli620 024. Rumput teki mengandung banyak senyawa kimia seperti minyak aromatik, alkaloid, mineral, vitamin, kalsium, fosfor, natrium, karbonat dan lain sebagainya. Skripsi berjudul efek ekstrak umbi rumput teki cyperus rotundus l sebagai. Klasifikasi dan ciri ciri morfologi tanaman rumput teki.
Cyperus rotundus is a perennial plant, that may reach a height of up to 140 cm 55 in. Apabila orang menyebut teki, biasanya yang dimaksud adalah jenis ini, walaupun ada banyak jenis cyperus lainnya yang berpenampilan mirip. Pengertian rumput teki cyperus rotundus klasifikasi dan. Preparation of chloroform extracts of cyperus rotundus and phytochemical tests. Morfologi umbi rumput teki keluarga cyperaceae dikenal sebagai purple nutsdge atau nutgrass yang merupakan gulma tahunan yang ramping, bersisik merayap rimpang, bulat di dasar dan timbul tunggal dari umbiumbian yang sekitar cm. Medicinal uses and pharmacological activities of cyperus. Beberapa diantaranya ada yang berkembang biak dengan umbi tuber, contohnya cyperus rotundus dan helianthus tuberosus. Biology and management of yellow cyperus escuelentus and purple nutsedge c. Efektivitas ekstrak kasar umbi teki cyperus rotundus.
Mustaka is very common perennial herb with long aromatic tuber. Analysis and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil. Alisawi genetic engineering and biotechnology institute for postgraduate studies baghdad university, baghdad, iraq abstract the aim of the study is extracted and purity flavonoids from cyperus. Abdul hameed baloch 1, haneef ur rehman 1, zakir ibrahim, mohammad aslam buzdar2 and saeed ahmad1 1faculty of agriculture, lasbela university of agriculture, water and marine sciences, uthal balochistan pakistan.
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